Meet the Network
Are you a survivor seeking expert support or mentorship through a creative pursuit?
Are you a legal, financial, or business professional ready to share your talents?
Network Members and Partners
The MiCreate Network is a collective of organizations, professionals, content experts, mentors, and sponsors who are eager to share their knowledge and resources with survivor creatives. Experts and mentors dedicate their time as unpaid volunteers, but legal action and business development can cost money. Network Sponsors support these efforts financially to ensure survivors access free guidance, always.
Learn more about the members and partners who make our mission possible.
Network Sponsors
Economic wellbeing can play a critical role in a person's vulnerability to human trafficking and to their success in escaping such circumstances. Network Sponsors ensure that survivor creatives have access to the appropriate legal representation, business filings, advocacy, software, and resources to succeed at no cost.
Learn more about the Network Sponsors who are providing financial and in-kind services to the MiCreate Network to sustain our mission.
Become a Member or Sponsor
We are always looking to add to our network of experts, mentors, and program sponsors. MiCreate offers flexible volunteer opportunities and direct investment into the empowerment, growth, and success of survivor creatives. Follow the instructions below to inquire about Network Membership or Sponsorship today.
1. Outreach
Email your interest in Membership or Sponsorship to
Identify in the subject line if you are inquiring about a specific type of Membership or Sponsorship. If you are interested in sharing your expertise as a member, identify the type of expertise you offer. Types may include Legal, Financial, Business, Mentor, etc.
Subject Line Example: Partner Opp - Legal or Sponsorship Opp - General
Include in your email who you are, what you do, and why you want to partner with MiCreate.
2. Introduction
Once your inquiry is received, we will get back to you as soon as possible. If the proposed partnership or sponsorship is a good fit, we will schedule an in-person or virtual meet and greet.
3. Agreement
If both MiCreate and the requesting entity are interested in moving forward with the partnership or sponsorship after the meet and greet, MiCreate will draft an agreement with the terms of the relationship. Once the terms of the agreement are to each parties’ satisfaction and signed, the partnership or sponsorship will go into effect.
The MiCreate team will provide onboarding for new Network Members and report program updates to invested Sponsors.